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Personality Test

We find the Myers’ Briggs Type Indicator to be the most helpful personality test. There are many versions of the test to get your profile. We found one online that’s free, check out the true colors personality test at the link!

The Myers Briggs is a powerful tool for understanding your God-given personality and that of your loved ones or co-workers. It’s simple and yet very comprehensive. You’re assessed on four polar dimensions of human personality, receiving a letter for each to indicate your dominate personality preference in that area.

An Intro to the Myers Briggs

1. Are you an Extrovert (E) or Introvert (I)?

The differentiation here in this polarity is whether you’re energized by alone time or being with people.

E’s are energized by being with people. They like to meet people and enjoy groups and parties. They relate to the external world of people and events and need to process their thoughts out loud.

I’s are energized by being alone. In social situations they prefer being with people they know, one-on-one is better than a group. They relate to an internal world of thoughts and ideas and need to process things internally.

2. Are you Sensing (S) oriented or Intuitive (N)?

This polarity is about how you take in information.

S’s are experiential and live in the moment. They focus understanding concrete details and data and live what they know through their five senses.

N’s are visionary and live with a future orientation. They focus on the big picture and live by the 6th sense of intuition or hunches.

3. Are you a Thinker (T) or Feeler (F)?

This question has to with how you make your decisions.

T’s live by reasoning things out to decide what is best. They are concerned for things to be right and fair.

F’s live by feeling things out to decide what feels best. They are concerned about being caring and considerate towards other people.

4.  Are you a Judger (J) or a Pereiver (P)?

The J vs P polarity has to do with how you act in your world.

J’s like to be organized. They plan ahead and feel better after a decision is made.

P’s like to be spontaneous. They like to keep their options open and may feel boxed in and regretful after a decision is made.

The 4 Basic Personality Types

Depending on the combination of your four letters you come out as one of four basic personality types:

SJ’s are Guardians. They are noble and steady like lions. Their core needs belonging/membership and being responsible.

SP’s are Artisans. They are fun and playful like otters. Their core needs are freedom to act on impulses and the ability to make an impact.

NF’s are Idealists. They are relational like golden retrievers. Their core needs are meaning/significance and having a unique identity.

NT’s are Rationalists. They are busy working on their ideas like beavers. Their core needs are mastery/self-control and knowledge/competence.

The 16 Specific Personality Types

There are sixteen specific personality types in the Myers-Briggs model. Here are one phrase descriptions of each from Type Talk by Otto Kroeger and Janet Thuesen.

ISTJ: Doing what should be done
ISFJ: A high sense of duty
INFJ: An inspiration to others
INTJ: Everything has room for improvement
ISTP: Ready to do anything once
ISFP: Seems much but shares little
INFP: Performing noble service to aid society
INTP: A love of problem-solving
ESTP: The ultimate realist
ESFP: You only go around once in life
ENFP: Giving life an extra squeeze
ENTP: One exciting challenge after another
ESTJ: Life’s administrators
ESFJ: Hosts and hostesses of the world
ENFJ: Smooth-talking persuader
ENTJ: Life’s natural leaders

The 16 Types at a Glance: one paragraph descriptions of each personality type.

Find out your Myers-Briggs Personality Now!

HumanMetrics Jung Typology Test provides a free online Myers-Briggs Personality Profile. This profile will provide you with a lot more detailed information about your personality type.

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